My kids got a surprise card from Funny Grandma & Grandpa last week. They sent each of the kids a check. (Go figure. How is it that the kids get all the money?) Anyhoo, it was awfully sweet of them, and the least I could do was whip them up a thank you card.
I tend to be the one to send out thank you's. I love to make cards, so it's really no big deal, but I got to thinking that since the kids got the gift, they should be the ones to send the card. So today they're getting a lesson on how to write a thank you. I'm sure they'll love it. It will likely be one of those things they will thank me for... later.
We got hit by the big blizzard that swept through the midwest. I haven't seen this much snow since I was a kid. We got at least a foot of it, if not more. The kids are excited. Today's a snow day! Snow days are the best, especially when you get to spend part of it learning to write thank you's.
Hope you're having a beautiful day! Thanks for stopping by!